"Maybe in Another Life"
роман написаний раніше за "Malibu Rising" і це відчувається - простіша мова та і історія також більш легка. Але мені сподобалася ідея - автор показує поворотний момент в житті героїні і далі чергує розповідь: одна глава - це події після того, коли героїня вибрала 1-ий варіант, наступна глава - що відбувалося, якби вона вибрала 2-ий... захоплююче розуміти, що наші вибори інколи впливають на все )
"Malibu Rising"
ця книга сподобалася тим, що вона небанальна - це не просто якийсь жіночий романчик, де історія кохання єдина сюжентна лінія. Тут багато ліній - і про дружбу, і про відносини між братами/сестрами, і між дітьми/батьками, і про кохання, і про шлюб... і взагалі в першому ж абзаці нам повідомили, що укінці спалять хату, і мені було дуже цікаво - як вони до того дійдуть
далі просто цитати цього роману:
...Too much self-sufficiency was sort of mean to the people who loved you, Kit thought. You robbed them of how good it feels to give, of their sense of value...
...I am with Greg because I find his gray hair sexy and I like talking to a man that has been alive long enough to have had interesting experiences. I do not need anyone’s money. I have a lot of it and I use what I have to make more of it...
...Brandon stared into the mirror and looked at his face, looked at the lines that had started to form. Every day of your life feels like you’re climbing up the mountain. And then you get there and you stay for a bit. And it’s nice at the top. But then you start sliding down the other side.
He hadn’t seen that part coming. And it had hit him hard...
...Mick looked at her. She was good-looking. If it had been the right time, he might have given her his signature smolder, lifted the edges of his famous lips to give her a grin. But Mick had learned nearly twenty-five years ago that his gravitational pull was such that he had to repel anyone he did not wish to actively attract.
“Not now,” he said to the young woman...
...you probably don’t go to these lengths to beat the shit out of someone unless they are close enough to have really gotten under your skin...
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